Title : Your insurance money does not carry over to next year in addition to what you don’t use you LOSE
Our goal is usually to help our patients get the most out of there insurance money. I am inside the process right at This kind of point of sending out letters to let you know how much benefit you have left for the year in addition to how we can prioritize your treatment to use of which wisely. Give us a call in addition to we in addition to we can get you scheduled or answer any questions you have about your remaining insurance benefits or treatment.
This kind of time of year our schedule fills up fast, due to patients wanting to make the best use of the insurance money they have left, so call soon so we can reserve a spot for you.
Kelly CLDA
Treatment Coordinator
That is all articles Your insurance money does not carry over to next year in addition to what you don’t use you LOSE This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article post.
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