Title : Tooth Sensitivity 101
One concern I hear via patients on a daily basis is actually about tooth sensitivity. There are several reasons a tooth can be sensitive as well as my objective is actually to help detect the cause.
Teeth are a lot like muscles. When we overwork them or do something out of the ordinary we may notice soreness or sensitivity. One general reason for sensitivity is actually due to gum recession. If the gums are receded the item means they have pulled down. that will exposes the root structure of the tooth called the dentin. Exposed dentin can make teeth sensitive to hot or cold thermal modifications. Recession is actually typically caused by extreme clenching or grinding of your teeth. We are able to clench our teeth together about 1000X harder at night than we can during the day. that will can actually bend the tooth at the gum line causing the gums to pull down or recede. One way to alleviate that will stress factor is actually to wear a night guard or bite splint. Clenching as well as grinding your teeth can cause all of the teeth in your mouth to be hypersensitive or make you feel like you may have cavities when you genuinely don’t. If that will sounds like something that will is actually familiar, I suggest you bring the item up to your hygienist as well as they can suggest the best option for your individual needs.
Another common reason for tooth sensitivity can be tenderness of the gums. If the gums are not completely healthy you can mistake tooth sensitivity for gum tenderness or even gingivitis. If your gums regularly bleed when you brush or floss, that will might mean your gums are inflamed or need a deeper cleaning. Try to determine if the sensitivity you feel is actually associated with your gums or the tooth itself as well as definitely mention the item when you come in for your appointment.
If there is actually something deeper going on with the tooth you may feel a pain or sensitivity that will feels like the nerve of the tooth is actually involved. An untreated cavity or unfinished dental work inside the past can lead to infections of the root of the tooth. An x-ray will help a dental professional determine if the root of the tooth is actually sick. Nerve sensitivity can be a very sharp pain or the item can be a dull/nagging pain. that will depends upon the individual situation. Being regular with hygiene visits can ensure a tooth never gets to that will level. If the nerve of a tooth is actually infected, typically we do a root canal which would certainly end the pain. Once infection is actually drained via a tooth, the pain subsides.Any reason for sensitivity can be temporarily solved by over-the- counter numbing agents or sensitive toothpaste. If there is actually one thing I’ve learned inside the dental field, covering up pain temporarily will not make the item disappear. Putting off a trip to the dentist can actually cause more pain inside the future. Catching things early as well as having a preventative approach to your oral health can save you time as well as money inside the long run. Visit your dentist or hygienist today to have a pain-free tomorrow!!
That is all articles Tooth Sensitivity 101 This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article post.
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